15 Simple Things to Do at Home

As we navigate through uncertainty, it’s important to do things comfortable and familiar to help us cope. Even if it’s doing an activity for a short time. Here are some simple things that you can do while you are at home.

1. Call a loved one. Family, friends, they’ll want to hear from you. If you can video chat, even better.

2. Organize your life at home. Just because you can’t go out doesn’t mean you can’t take the time to play catch-up on the things around the house that have needed to be done. Start things that you’ve been putting off. Such as the “I don’t have time” or “I’ll do it later” things.

3. Make a list of long term goals and plan out small steps to reach those goals while you are stuck at home.

4. Switch up your workspace. It’s important to do this to avoid feeling trapped in one space all the time. A change of space should help boost your productivity.

5. Try something new at home. Try a new skill like drawing or playing that guitar that’s been laying around (if it hasn’t been marked to declutter). I’m not saying to get good at it, I’m saying do something new to break the “sameness” of every day. Also, I’ve noticed there are a ton of new recipes out online these days. Maybe you could find one that uses ingredients you already have at home.

6. Refresh who you follow on social media and reconsider the media you consume in general. I think it’s fine to go through or unfollow and unsubscribe from social media and refrain from reading content that is making you feel bad about yourself or is no longer interesting to you. It’s nothing personal.

7. Read that book you’ve been meaning to start. You have the time!

8. Clean out your technology. Go through your phone and get rid of apps you don’t use and get rid of files you don’t need on your computer. In general, get rid of the things that don’t serve you.

9. Do an at-home workout. I’m no fitness expert but I’ve been trying to incorporate some kind of fitness in my day since I’ve been mostly sitting at home. I’ve recently started using the FitOn app (it’s free!) to do workouts from home. I’ve found the FitOn workouts to be easy to follow along and I like how easy it is to select the types of workouts you are interested as well as the time you wish to dedicate to the workout. A major plus would be trying to do a workout outside if you can.

10. Give yourself a makeup break.

11. Go longer between washing your hair. This may sound gross to some but let your hair embrace your natural oils! I’m definitely not someone who can go many days or even a week without washing my hair but lately, I’ve been going more days in between washes. Besides, it’s not like you’re going out and seeing people.

12. Do a pampering skincare routine. I’m talking with the added face masks and treatments! I’ve been making more of an effort to incorporate a face mask into my nightly routine.

13. Sort out your stuff. Now is a good time to go through the things you may not need. Wait to donate them or pass them along to someone else at a later time, of course.

14. Start a new night routine. Rethink a new routine that emphasizes relaxation or calmness. Maybe it means unplugging from technology a little bit earlier than you would. Or diffusing essential oils, like lavender to create a calmer space. And please make an effort to get enough sleep!

15. Let yourself feel. It’s cheesy, yes, but let yourself feel the emotions that you may have pent up inside. You are not doing yourself any favors by holding them in, you need to allow yourself to process them and figure where to go from there. And remember to take it one day at a time.

What have you been doing while staying at home?