A Short List of Books I’ve Loved This Year

I wouldn’t say that I’m a voracious reader, I don’t always take the time to do it. But this year I discovered some great books to recommend. Self-help and non-fiction books are not normally genres that I gravitate towards but these two genres were all I read this year. If you haven’t read any of these books I suggest picking one, two, or all of these titles up.

Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More by Courtney Carver: This book was a nice reminder that having more, more, more isn’t the answer. Carver has a practical minimalist approach and the book does guide you to take steps to curate a life with less stuff but also finding value in what really matters to you. I found Carver’s feelings of discontent relatable and her story inspiring in a non-cheesy way.

Quit Fast Fashion & Build Your Conscious Closet by Verena Erin Polowy: This is an e-workbook designed to help you rethink your existing wardrobe and reconsider your shopping habits. The useful activities, tips, and encouraging tone of the book make the goal of an ethical wardrobe achievable. This a great book for you if you are new to the “slow fashion” concept and are not sure how to be good in a world that is filled with damaging fast fashion. Verena also has a great blog and a YouTube channel that are both dedicated to ethical fashion and lifestyle.

Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between by Lauren Graham: I’m a big fan of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood so I definitely had to read this book at some point. It’s a fun read and Graham’s personality really shows in the words. I especially loved the chapters about her beginnings as an actress as well as excerpts from a diary that she kept while filming the Gilmore Girls revival. The one negative I have to say about this book was that I wished she had gone into a little more detail in many of the stories she was telling. Even so, I would 100% recommend if you’re a fan.

Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together by Erin Lowry: I think that I’m saving the best book for last. This book was a great self-help book on personal finance. It definitely appeals to a certain age group (obviously). I found it an informative and easy to follow guide to get your finances in order. The book is also structured in a way that allows you to skip chapters you don’t find relevant (I’d recommend you read the whole thing anyway). If you’re cash-strapped and living paycheck-to-paycheck this is a great read to help you take those first steps in managing your finances. While I’m no expert in finance, and I’m fortunate enough to not be completely broke there are topics covered in this book that I was really in the dark about. This book sheds light on those areas and I’m hoping to take the information learned from this book into the new year and continue towards a goal of better understanding and control of my own finances.

These are the books I would recommend you read, I believe they will stand out to you as they did to me. Have you read any of these books yet? What did you think of them? And please let me know your book recommendations, I’m interested in finding more titles to read in the new year!