My Cozy Fall Night Routine 🍂

As the seasons change and as it gets darker earlier, I find myself wanting to incorporate a routine of rest and relaxation. I feel like this is especially important, considering the stress of life. These are the things I’ve been doing this fall season to help me relax and bring me that warm and cozy feeling.

Do a quick tidy up

Even if you’re sitting at a desk and it doesn’t seem like you’re moving things around, you’d be surprised how things seem slowly move out of place during the workday. It usually only takes a few minutes, and I like knowing that my workspace is reset and ready to go for tomorrow.

Unplug for a while

I feel this is especially important if you are working from home or have been staring at a screen all day. Take a few minutes or more to get away from your screens and do something else. When I do this, I start to feel a little bit better, and it sets me in the mindset of moving on to something else.

Get outside

If I haven’t had the chance to get outside yet, this would be a perfect time. Typically, I go on a short walk, and it’s been great to de-stress and unwind while getting exercise. It also gives me a chance to clear my head with no distractions.

Eat something good

After a long day of hard work having, a delicious meal feels well deserved. I usually have an idea ahead of time on what I’m going to eat for dinner. Let me know if you’re a planner too, or do you just wing it? With this fall season in mind, I’ve personally been enjoying a lot of hearty, comfort foods. This roasted parmesan rosemary potato recipe has been an amazing side dish! What are your favorite comfort foods?

Clean up

After eating a good meal, I like to clean up right after, doing the dishes and cleaning surfaces used for eating or cooking. After that, it’s usually a good time to do my skincare routine, where I will use skincare products that feel like a treat for my skin. I like the Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial Mask for exfoliating. Or I’ll use the Clinique Pore Refining Solutions Charcoal Mask if my skin is breaking out. Since it is getting colder, I’ve been using The Ordinary Plant-Derived Squalane for some added moisture. My skin feels great after using this product. I’ve finally used it up, along with some other products, which you can read about here. After this, I like to put on some comfy clothes, and by doing this, I really feel like I can relax.

Read or watch

By this point, I’ll usually either read or watch something entertaining. I recently re-watched the Harry Potter series. There’s something about that series that makes me think of fall, and I know I’m not the only one. But I’ve currently started reading World Made by Hand by James Howard Kunstler, and while I’m not too far in, I’d say it’s interesting and slightly creepy. If you’re looking to read a dystopian novel, check this one out. What have you been reading lately? I’m always looking for recommendations!

And of course, with cold and chilly evenings, hot drinks are necessary. I’ve discovered this caffeine-free Orange Spice tea from Good & Gather, which you can find at Target. I also like drinking apple cider and hot cocoa – the classics.

And like my workspace, I like to make sure the things I’ve used this evening are put away and that my space is cleaned up and ready for the next day before heading off to sleep.

What is your favorite part of your nighttime routine? Thanks for reading!

Where else to find me: Instagram

The Fall Tag

I saw this tag floating around other blogs and I think it may be an old one but it looks like a fun one. I got the idea to do this tag from Hunida.


1. What is one candle you MUST light every fall?

I’m not loyal to a specific candle but I would have to pick one with a pumpkin or amber note. ‘Tis the season.

2. When you think of fall, what does it remind you of?

Colorful, crunchy leaves and the crisp air.

3. What is your all time favorite fall/Halloween movie?

The Nightmare Before Christmas (everyone’s favorite) or Hocus Pocus (also everyone’s favorite).

4. What Halloween costume do you have in mind?

I didn’t dress up this year but at some Halloween I will have to dress up as Catwoman.

5. What is your favorite fall trend?

Boots (tall or short) and all of the sweaters!

6. When you think of fall, what drink comes to mind?

Apple cider.

7. What is your go to fall beauty product? A must have staple!

A deep, coppery, brown eyeshadow like Tom Ford’s Spice or a good lip scrub and hydrating lip balm.

8. Do you prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Pumpkin pie, although my grandfather made the best apple crisp that would win over a pumpkin pie in my book.

9. Do you have any fall traditions? If so tell us all about it!

Does lighting the fall scented candles and switching over to a cooler weather beauty routine count? It’s mainly a time to take some nice walks outside and rake the leaves of course.

10. The moment of truth, is fall your favorite season?

This was the hardest question to answer. It might be but I think I enjoy Spring a bit more since it finally signals the end of winter.

It’s still the fall season! Feel free to do this tag on your blog or answer the questions in a comment!